Buying a house is a challenging task or at least a common one to do every day. Precisely because of this, you need someone such as a mortgage advisor in London who can explain to you step by step how to purchase a house residence. For example, let's say you found an apartment you like through a real estate agency but need a mortgage broker in London. You are in their hands now because you need to know how the contract should be drawn up, where to go with it to the notary, what documents you need if an advance payment is made, and how it is done when it is done.
What Does a Mortgage Loan Entail?
When you are looking to buy an apartment and want to access such a loan, you must know what your financial possibilities are to support the loan. If you can no longer pay the installments, and the mortgage was secured with the property, the lenders can sell the home to pay off the loan. The minimum monthly salary and the possibility of granting an advance are the main criteria that the bank considers when offering a mortgage loan, and these may vary depending on the policies of each banking institution. All these things are something that a mortgage advisor can help you understand.
Find Yourself a Mortgage Advisor in London
If you find the apartment directly with the owner and you have to manage yourself and have an advance payment, things change again. When you pay the advance and the rest of the money you receive as a result of the mortgage are just a few questions that you will need an answer to on your own. The mortgage loan can be accessed by any person who wants to purchase a home through a bank loan, and most of the time, it is guaranteed with the purchased property. If you do not know these things, then you need a mortgage advisor in London.
Before offering the mortgage, in the form of a loan, the bank will assess your creditworthiness. What does this mean? The institution will determine whether you can afford to purchase the monthly rate in the ratio of recorded monthly income versus expenses. Then, the bank will ask you to inform them about your fees. The period for granting a mortgage loan to the mortgage broker says that it can be variable, depending on the institution's policies and how you complete your file. The first response from the bank should come within a maximum of 7 working days after applying.
Ask for Advice from a Mortgage Broker in London
Those who want to obtain an amount through a mortgage loan, which they will use to buy a residential property, must have a certain age and a monthly income. For those who are too old to access such a loan, it is possible to get it done with a life insurance policy concluded in advance or with the help of a co-debtor, depending on the conditions stipulated by the bank issuing the loan. The mortgage broker in London can help you understand how a mortgage loan has a lower interest rate than a consumer loan and a much more extended repayment period, set according to the total amount.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Mortgage Loan Approved?
The final mortgage loan approval deadline strictly depends on the bank and the criteria below. However, here are the main factors that determine the loan granting period:
the internal flows/procedures of the applied bank
the amount of the requested loan, the higher the amount, the longer the procedure
if the ownership documents of the property to be purchased correspond to the bank's requirements, with the cadastral documentation and registration in the Land Register;
the number of applications under analysis by the London bank at that time, during periods when there is a massive number of applications increasing the bank's processing/response time;
the availability/schedule of the appraiser approved by the bank, who will view the property to be purchased.
What Salary Do You Need to Have for a Mortgage Loan?
Depending on the amount of the loan requested, the income may or may not qualify for the approval of the file. The maximum amount a person can borrow is proportional to the monthly payment. As a rule, banks accept a higher degree of indebtedness for people with higher incomes. Banks ensure that after paying the installments, the income remaining at the client's disposal is sufficient to cover current expenses. The income certificate is the document that certifies the taxable income associated with the job. Give your mortgage advisor all your documents, whether you have an individual employment contract or work on PFA or copyright.
Copy of the Employment Contract
The employment contract is concluded between a company, usually a legal entity, and a natural person, mandatorily, as an employee. The employment contract certifies the veracity of the existence of a job and lists its conditions, of which the most relevant for the banking institution is its duration. Accordingly, the employment contract must be open-ended and demonstrate the minimum length of service required by the London bank to qualify for a mortgage. Generally, banks require a contract attesting at least one year on the labor market to grant a mortgage loan.
The period of contracting a mortgage loan can differ. Most banks charge fixed interest for a short period; these fixed interest rates are much lower than the variable ones. Once the fixed interest is completed, you will pay higher interest rates and, implicitly, higher rates at the bank. Ensure that the bank from which you contract the mortgage loan informs you about the increase in interest from the moment you want to take out this loan. Ask everything you want to know, and ask all the questions you feel like because this is something you will have as a responsibility for over a decade.
Your file will be sent for analysis, and depending on the bank and the file, the analysis process can take 1 to 5 days. After its completion, some banks immediately transfer the money to your account, and others must wait, maybe even more than seven days. In addition, some banks charge several fees - a fee for analyzing your credit file, a fee for granting credit, payment for credit administration, etc. - that's why you need to know all the information in advance from your mortgage broker to avoid surprises later.