What Do Men Want from Poly Dating?
For years it was assumed that men cheat more than women. However, studies show that the reality is, in fact, different. Both men and women are unfaithful. Therefore, it would be logical to conclude that the number of men who cheat is roughly equal to that of women. Even though many people think so, poly dating is not about cheating. There are many variables here as well, but the most important thing to understand is that when a woman is seeking a sister's wife does it because she wants to be part of a family, not divide her.
What Is Poly Dating All About?
Of course, if you ask 100 people what they mean by poly dating, each will have a different perspective than the others. Some will say this is about infidelity when the partner has sexual relations with people of the opposite sex because they get bored. Well, that is entirely false. There is no easy definition that encompasses all that this concept means. It's not just about extending feelings of love outside of the couple; it is a constantly changing practice depending on the needs and desires of the participants and the rules that have been accepted.
What Do People Think About Women Seeking a Sister's Wife?
Some feel cheated when their partner is seeking a sister's wife, while for others, this comes as something to brings more happiness to a couple. There is no need to say that the first ones are monogamous people, and polygamy should be something that any couple interested in that should talk about from the beginning of their relationship. Polygamy can be about altruism, communication and controlling one's emotions, and sex, desire and autonomy in equal measure. So, as you can see, for some, this comes down to just the aspect of the sexual relationship, and others think much more profound, going as far as a deeper emotional or spiritual relationship.
With the above in mind, try to think from the perspective of men and human beings: what exactly can cause a person to go for poly dating? The principles explained to you next apply equally to men and women. Women say they don't understand men or realize what they want. Today men know that they have to work harder to find a suitable partner and that women today have more expectations from life than in the last century. But that doesn't change what a man looks for in a woman.
Love Is Not that Simple Anymore
First, any man or woman is looking for a love relationship, no matter how many partners they have. That may surprise many people, but not only women but also men like to love and be loved in return. It is not easy to find your perfect match, and it is understandable why some men try not to lose the ideal woman for them when they see her. That is why some women consider that there is room for more in their relationship when seeking a sister's wife.
Both sexes are looking for people who seem attractive to them. Women despair when they think that men are very subjective and that physical appearance can matter so much. But men are not looking for a model. They want a woman who is proud of how she looks, knows how to highlight her assets and knows how to be feminine. Men are pleased to have a good-looking woman next to them. Both men and women, when poly dating, are looking for a reliable person, someone to share their most secret dreams with, someone to be there when they need them.
A woman that wants to start a family eventually and is seeking a sister wife who wants to share family life with is usually a woman with a friendly lifestyle that wants to maintain a level of interest in the relationship. Men look for gentle, feminine women because these qualities that make a woman a mother attract them. Women want the same thing. Men like women with a sense of humor and fun. Sociable women are fun. Men want to relax after work, but women like that, too. And poly dating will make that happen.
When Did Finding a Match Become so Complicated?
When a woman is seeking a sister's wife, she is looking for someone who knows how to protect her femininity and is caring. As part of a couple, both partners want someone who supports them even if many criticize their lifestyle. Every person has something significant to him: values. Values represent what is dearest to a person, something he cares about, things that make him happy, and he is willing to do anything to fulfil them. The big problem is that the two partners usually have different values. They both may have different mindsets. Therefore, both consider the other's values to be wrong.
And as such, each tries to change the other, criticizing him for how they spend their primary resources (time, money and energy). In this context, the partner feels judged, unaccepted, and rejected. Therefore, there is the possibility to look outside the relationship for someone who respects his values and will stop blaming him for how he lives his life. That happens very often in monogamous relationships. When poly dating, people are more relaxed and communicate better; things like having different values are not usually a problem. To live in polygamy, you need a high degree of communication and the same importance to make it work.
Every human is born with three basic psychological needs: connection, competence and autonomy. And these needs accompany people all their lives. That means that no matter who you are, these needs must be fed—the need to connect means being loved, valued, respected, and memorable. The need for competence is the need to feel capable, to continuously develop, to progress, and to reach your maximum potential. And the need for control is the need to make your own decisions for your life. Therefore, seeking a sister's wife is up to you to live your identity, not someone else's.