Short Presentation Guide to Royal Canin Dog Food

Dogs have always been an essential part of human life. They are considered a man’s best friend because they offer loyalty and unconditional love. A dog will never betray or judge you and will always be there when you need someone beside you. Apart from providing a unique companionship, they can reduce stress and depression. Overall, they contribute to their owner’s well-being. As a result of these advantages and this strong bond, a dog owner will always choose what's best for their friend. Hence, this article aims to give you proper information about Royal Canin dog food.

Royal Canin: The Benefits of This Food

There is a famous quote that states: “You are what you eat.” This is applicable for pets, too. For a dog’s owner, it’s important to know the benefits and ingredients of their pet’s food. To illustrate this point, you must understand that the nourishment you provide your dog is a decisive factor in his cognitive development. Nowadays, we can find a large variety of dog food, but there are some well-known brands that people prefer. Therefore, there are certain reasons why people choose Royal Canin dog food for their furry companionships.

One of the reasons is that they use high-quality ingredients, which is one of the key factors for their success. This includes a rich source of protein, vitamins, whole grains, and necessary fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6. Both of these components are crucial for the body since the benefits of Omega-3 contribute to the development of the metabolism, brain, and heart. Meanwhile, Omega-6 supplies energy to the body. Moreover, this food provides carbohydrates, which are vital for an energetic lifestyle.

Building on the previous point, other premium ingredients are probiotics and prebiotics. These components support a balanced healthy gut, both of them being important in order to sustain a healthy lifestyle. By choosing this food, you give your dog the chance to fully enjoy his meal, making him forget that he has a sensitive stomach.

Paying Attention to Every Dog’s Needs

If we talk about a puppy, an adult, or a specific breed, you will discover that you can find a big diversity of food for your dog. Not only is it specifically tailored for every dog’s needs, size, and breed, but it’s also filled with the most important vitamins and minerals in order to sustain your dog’s health and development.

Moreover, this type of food contains the greatest ingredients for dental care. Some breeds of dogs tend to accumulate more tartar than others. Things like this happen because of the food residuals that are covering the dog’s teeth. It transforms into a plaque, which later on develops into tartar. As a dog’s owner, it’s important to know about dry food, which helps reduce the evolution of tartar. Fortunately, there are three types of this kind of food you can choose from: small, medium, and large formula.

As illustrated earlier, whether you have a Poodle, Golden Retriever, or Pomeranian, you are covered. There are specifically tailored formulas for different breeds, taking into consideration their needs and overall health. Let’s look, for example, at their skin and coat. A dog’s coat is like a human’s hair; it needs some specific nutrients and nourishment to have a silky and healthy coat.

Settling the Differences Between Dry and Wet Food

Generally, when someone has a dog, especially for the first time, some of the questions they would frequently ask are: should I choose dry food or wet food? and which one of these is better? These are very understandable questions, as the decision may reflect on your pet’s health and growth.

One of the key factors that make the difference between these two is the amount of water they contain. Let’s start with dry foods. This food has a water content of approximately 8%, which makes it more suitable for an energic lifestyle having a big amount of nutrients. Moreover, you have to consider the number of kcal per 100 grams. In this case, dry food has a little bit over 350 kcal, which makes a big difference in the dog’s number of meals.

On the other hand, now that we have a clear image of dry foods, let’s take a look at wet foods. Regarding water content, it is evident that it has more water content, actually a percentage of more than 70%. One hundred grams of food has just 100 kcal, so if you decide to feed your pet with only wet food, there will be more meals needed per day. Therefore, there are advantages and disadvantages to both foods, but the choice is yours. Nowadays, more pet owners decide to feed their dogs with both dry and wet food.

Reasons Why Veterinarians Recommend Royal Canin Dog Food

There are numerous scientific research that prove the quality of Royal Canin dog food, which makes veterinarians recommend this food to pet owners. Many veterinarians and specialists test different formulas for this brand to create high-quality food. Furthermore, they will recommend this brand because it offers a wide variety of products tailored to the different needs illustrated above.

Additionally, there is one more reason that makes veterinarians recommend this food. In order to verify the effectiveness of these ingredients, this brand conducts clinical trials. These trials have the purpose of validating the healthiness of your dog’s food. Veterinarians always take into consideration these trials, especially when they recommend a specific pet’s diet.


A dog isn’t considered just a pet but a friend for life. A pet needs all your love and care and a careful choice of food can have a big impact, being a decisive factor in his development. The right food, a high-quality one, will always make a difference. Taking the time to inform about different types of food is crucial for your pet’s health. Choose the best Royal Canin dog food diet based on your pet’s age, breed, lifestyle, and most importantly, take into consideration its needs.