What Is the Role of a DIY Boutonniere at Weddings?

Wedding wreaths have a precise role in a wedding. That is to distinguish the wedding guests from ordinary people and, simultaneously, to leave a small memory for those participating in the event. A wedding DIY boutonniere also has a profound meaning. They date back to medieval times when a knight wore flowers on his chest to declare love for the woman he loved. The significance of these put to the guests' chests by the bride and the bridesmaids, whether made of a wood flower or a natural one, is to bring luck to the bride and groom's marriage.

The DIY Boutonniere Should Not Be Missing

Although it seems like a simple choice, it's different. It would be best if you considered some rules when choosing the DIY boutonniere, artificial or natural flowers, placed on the chests of the bride and groom. With all the rules and attention given to every detail of your wedding, there will undoubtedly be some dissatisfied people. You may meet guests who do not attach much importance to these; they remove them from their chests if they are uncomfortable, do not match their outfits, or do not accept being pinned to their chests because they spoil their clothes.

A Wood Flower Resembles a Natural One

Some people keep their boutonnieres somewhere in a box they come across occasionally and wonder if it is helpful to save them. The effort of the bride and groom is relatively high for the purchase of these accessories, not necessarily from a financial point of view, but mainly due to the difficulty of choosing from so many models, if to opt for a DIY wood flower boutonniere or a natural one, determining the number they need, going to order them, etc. The choice is even more complicated because there are so many beautiful options that it is hard to decide on only one model.

Lately, more and more brides are giving up using a boutonniere for guests (they keep the ones for the groom and godfather at most). This fact is mainly due to the option for other small attentions that you can offer to all guests, which is gaining more and more ground, and the roles of the two overlap. However, some brides believe that presents and boutonnieres can be used in parallel and are not mutually exclusive. If you still choose them, you should know that, according to tradition, we have three types of boutonnieres:

  1. Boutonnieres for the groom, godparents, and parents - an unwritten rule says that the groom must carry a flower from the bride's bouquet and the godfather one from the godmother's. But it is not mandatory!

  2. Boutonnieres for bridesmaids and groomsmen - The bridesmaids and groomsmen will wear these accessories made of a natural or wood flower to match the wedding decorations. It's trendy for bridesmaids to wear a corsage instead!

  3. Boutonnieres for the rest of the guests - The headdresses worn by the rest are smaller and less spectacular, but not without importance and charm.

Choose the Accessories You Like the Most

Whether you opt for a DIY boutonniere, a small present for each guest, or both, you make the rules- depending on what you like, the style of the wedding, and, last but not least, your budget. Who wears those accessories at the wedding, and what do you need to know about this tradition? Well, in some countries, they are an indispensable wedding accessory, and this is because the most critical guests must wear them.

Before ordering these accessories from the florist or creating them yourself, it is essential to ask the people who will wear them whether they prefer them attached to their clothes or worn on the wrist. For some, worn on the wrist may be uncomfortable, so they get caught on the chest. On the other hand, the pin holding the floral arrangement in the chest mustn't ruin your outfit. Before deciding on a particular model, check all models, including one made of a natural flower and one made of a wood flower.

A DIY boutonniere speaks more about the rank that each one has within the event. Among the guests, there will be some who will not attach much importance to it, but also others who will keep them as a dear memory. No matter what they do with them after the party, they should know that to acquire them, the bride and groom make quite an effort. It's not about the financial part, but the difficulty of choosing them from the crowd of models, assuming time and fuss. Even if it doesn't seem so, so much effort is put into this.

How Should the Groom's Flower Be?

According to tradition, the groom's flower is detached from the bride's bouquet. It costs nothing more than what has already been paid for the wedding flowers. A new groom's accessory has a price that can vary depending on the flowers used, whether a natural or a wood flower. The most common are roses, freesias, orchids, limonium, or tiny wildflowers. Artificial flower garlands can be made of plastic or paper. To please the groom, you will go for the perfect matching with the clothes, although you can contrast the flower and the suit so that the former stands out.

The godfather's DIY boutonniere represents a flower from the godmother's bouquet, but it must symbolize masculinity. That's why it can be bought separately. The size and colors will differ slightly, and its place will be that of the chest, placed, in general, on the jacket. The bride is also the one who will catch it in the chest of the spiritual parents after cooking it by the godmother. Lilies or roses can be the perfect choice. If the godmother agrees, one can opt for a flower caught in the hair, which matches the hairstyle and the dress she will wear.

Bows for in-laws are different in appearance from those of godfathers. There are areas of the country where the flowers placed on the chests of big in-laws are different than those placed on small in-laws, but also regions where they are the same. Youth, vitality, and fertility are the criteria by which flowers are chosen for this category of weddings. The bridesmaid can also be made a crown of natural flowers or a wood flower bracelet to match her outfit. The knight or groomsmen will have flowers pinned to their chests, which differs from the rest of the wedding party.